Pool Hours are as follows: Open from Memorial Day-Labor day
Monday thru Saturday 11:00AM to 6:00PM and Sundays 1PM to 6:00PM
The pool closes promptly at 6:00PM each night and please do not try to take advantage of the Lifeguards and drag out for longer. The Lifeguards still have duties to perform after they close to be ready for opening the next day.
Children eight years old and under (unless have passed Lifeguard's swimming test) must be accompanied by an adult.
Everyone must shower before entering the pool.
No pushing, ducking or "rough-housing".
Walk; do not run, in pool area.
No diving from the sides of the pool.
Swimmers are not allowed on Lifeguard stand or at Lifeguard table.
No drinking or eating within 10 feet of the pool, grownup as well as children. If you make a mess, clean it up. Make sure you leave the area clean of all trash and snacks before leaving.
No smoking within 10 feet of the water. Please use ashtrays.
Any clothes or toys left for more than 10 days will be disposed.
Any member using the pool during unauthorized hours will be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Directors.
Members may rent the pool provided they hire a club lifeguard and have made arrangements with the club manager on the rental. No rental during operational hours.
No glass containers of any kind will be allowed inside the fence around the pool.
No "boogie boards", large boats or floats allowed. No hard balls such as golf balls, baseballs etc.
No pets.
Grandchildren allowed only with the grandparent.
Babysitter may come in lieu of the parents to accompanied small children to the pool.
Tuesday is In – Town Guest Day at a fee of $6.00 each. Each family will be allowed no more than two guests per family (this includes grownups, babies and children).
Make sure that you bring the correct change for your guest on guest day. The Lifeguards will not be able to make change.
Make sure that you sign in when you arrive at the pool and the number of people in your party.
Phone orders taken for lunch as long as you do not call between 11:45 and 12:15. Call the Pro Shop and ask for The 19th hole.
When entering the clubhouse, you must be dry and have cover-ups covering your swimsuits.
The Board of Directors have given the Lifeguards full authority to discipline and ask anyone causing trouble to leave the pool area. You will be given one warning before you are asked to leave. If the Lifeguards continue to have, trouble with the same individual, said individual will be suspended from pool privileges for the summer.